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    navX2-MXP Robotics Navigation Sensor


    BRAND NEW NEXT-GENERATION SENSOR NOW AVAILABLE -  leveraging new sensors and state-of-the-art algorithms to deliver a leap forward in accuracy and performance.

    “Generation 2” navX2-MXP is a drop-in replacement for “Classic” navX-MXP, adding significant performance enhancements. See the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for more information about navX2-MXP's new and enhanced capabilities.

    *** Feature and Benefits Summary ***

    • 9-Axis Inertial/Magnetic Sensor (Gyro / Accelerometer / Magnetometer)
    • Intelligent Motion Processor
    • RoboRIO Expansion I/O

    Supercharge your robot:  Field-oriented drive, auto-balancing, collision detection, motion detection, auto-rotate-to-angle, linear velocity vectors and more…

    Expand your RoboRIO:  10 Digital I/Os, 4 Analog Inputs, 2 Analog Outputs, and TTL UART / I2C / SPI ports.

    Plug-n-Play:  easily installed via RoboRIO’s MXP Expansion connector or USB port.

    Easy-to-integrate:  C++, Java and LabView libraries and sample application code simplify integration.

    Backwards-compatible:  existing navX-MXP users can upgrade easily.

    navX2-MXP is a must-have add on to any RoboRIO-based control system, and includes free software libraries, example code and many more features.

    navX2-MXP was designed to use the RoboRIO MXP Expansion Connector - enabling plug-n-play installation on the National Instruments RoboRIO, and adding digital, analog I/O and UART / SPI / I2C port expansion.  navX2-MXP will be compatible with the forthcoming RoboRIO 2.0; for more details, see the Next Generation Control System Update on the FRC Blog.

    *** What's New and Improved in navX2-MXP *****

    • Significantly improved yaw accuracy and stability, even during Extreme inertial events.  navX2-MXP features very high-accuracy orientation (yaw/pitch/roll), with minimal yaw drift of ~0.5 degree per minute when moving, and < 0.2 degrees/hour when still.  navX2-MXP is incredibly stable, and averages a yaw drift of only 2 degrees per DAY.  navX2-MXP's new Industrial-class ISM330DHCX IMU sensor handles high rotation (4000 degree/second) and impact (16G, operates in higher temperature environments and can survive extreme shock events (20,000G).
    • Rapid (5-second) auto-calibrating startup.
    • navX2-MXP features an upgraded 180Mhz 32-bit floating-point ARM processor, the new sensors, and new state-of-the-art software algorithms which take navX technology to the next level, including a blazing-fast 416-Khz Kalman Filter, enhanced sensor calibration and algorithms which fuse gyro, accelerometer and magnetometer data into a “9-axis heading”.
    • As a result of these upgrades, the accuracy of Velocity Vector Measurements and Displacement Estimates is also improved.

    Important: As we are currently out of stock, you can use the NavX-2 Micro 9-axis Inertial/Magnetic Sensor with your RoboRIO.

    navx mxp
