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    FIRST Tech Challenge

    It’s way more than building robots. FIRST Tech Challenge teams (up to 15 team members, grades 7-12) are challenged to design, build, program, and operate robots to compete in a head-to-head challenge in an alliance format.

    Guided by adult coaches and mentors, students develop STEM skills and practice engineering principles, while realizing the value of hard work, innovation, and working as a team.

    The robot kit is reusable from year to year and can be coded using a variety of levels of Java-based programming. Teams design and build robots, raise funds, design and market their team brand, and do community outreach to earn specific awards. 

    Each season concludes with regional championship events and an exciting FIRST Championship.

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    VMX Robotics Controller


    The Studica VMX is a powerful robot controller,

    • Enables Tele-op and autonomous control
    • Programmable in Java, C++, Python, LabVIEW, and ROS
    • Integrates the navX-IMU, a Linux based controller, Gigabit Ethernet, USB3 ports and built-in Wifi/Bluetooth. 
    • Can be used an a Robot Control System or Vision/Motion processor
    • Supports Open CV, Tensor Flow, SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping 
    • Step Files

    The Studica VMX leverages five recent key technology developments,

    • Highly-integrated, inexpensive, WiFi-enabled, multi-core Linux computing platform with lots of USB IO for expansion
    • 32-bit ARM Microcontrollers incorporating sophisticated I/O and digital communications engines
    • Low-cost MEMs Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs)
    • Powerful software providing rich libraries and tools for developing robot software in C++, Java
    • CAN bus for high-speed, real-time communication between devices

    The Studica VMX Technology Enables,

    • Far richer development environments and tools
      • Because VMX is much more than a robot controller – it is a powerful, Linux-based   desktop computing platform with network/monitor/keyboard/mouse support.
    • Very powerful software features
      • State-of-the-art software development GUIs (e.g., VS Code) libraries and tools (drive-  train kinematics, path-planning, vision processing, autonomous navigation,   performance data acquisition/playback)
    • Access to cutting-edge sensors (for use outside the competition)
      • VMX’s multitude of modern digital communications interfaces and Linux-based   operating system allow users to directly access most modern devices (e.g., Intel   RealSense tracking and depth cameras and LIDAR

    Titan Quad Motor Controller


    The Titan Quad Motor Controller is a powerful, 4-channel CAN-based motor controller with a built-in fuse-box (for DC motors up to 20A).


    • 4 x Hardware encoder ports – one for each motor
    • 2 limit switch ports for each motor
    • Fuse box to set manual current limits
    • 2x Power extension ports to power other 12VDC devices. I.E.
      • VMX Robotics Controller
      • Servo Power Module
    • Built in LED Controller
    • 6A power supply for LED’s
    • i2c communication port to control LED Controller
    • USB ports are updated to USB-C to better support todays cable standards
    • Step File

    Mobile Robotics VMX/Titan Workshop Kit

    (In stock)

    The Mobile Robotics VMX/Titan Workshop Kit is used in the classroom for teaching, testing and doing research in Autonomous Mobile Robotics. It also includes each of the essential components referenced in the WorldSkills Mobile Robotics training material.

    FTC Starter Kit (2023-2024)

    (In stock)

    New for the 2023-2024 Season


    Download the Kit List here.

    FTC Teams are eligible to get 1 kit at a heavily discounted price. To apply for the discount please fill out this application form.

    FTC Drive Base Kit - v2

    (In stock)

    The FTC Drive Base Kit v2 (70400-v2) is available for FIRST teams only and is fully FIRST legal. This is an upgrade from our first version (part # 70400). It includes our new slim mecanum wheels with bearings on all rollers, allowing you to make a wider base robot. It also has 4 NeveRest Orbital 20 Gearmotors with wires, our new Clamping Shaft Hubs, 4 bumpers and more hardware.

    FIRST Tech Challenge
